April 2019
A new compact voice alarm systemr VA-500 is launched trough g+m elektronik a.g. This system is suitable for small and midkle instalations. More information can be found under "VA-500" from main menu
January 2019
A new microphone console APS 3xx.2 EV is launched trough g+m elektronik a.g. This console is fully redesigned and technical improved. For example is posible to programm colour of the key assigned LED for better information of users. More information can be found under "APS - microphones" from main menu
Loudspeaker monitoring - loop system... 100% Safety and cost saving
Fire protection standards demand functional integrity for 30 minutes for the loudspeaker-groups in all fire sections. This means, that loudspeaker-cabling must maintain its function for 30 minutes in the case of fire (Standard E30). These enormous costs are a thing of the past with the new g+m Loop-system. The loop wiring system with separate feed and return lines prevents the loudspeaker from failing even in the case of a fault. Automatic isolation of the problem zone guarantees 100% operational reliability using cost saving standard cabling! All discontinuity, short-circuits and earth faults are detected interruption free and automatically isolated in case of emergency.
- Luxembourg Plaza Prague
- Palace of justice Prague
- Shopping center Gečko Liberec
- ČSOB headquarters Prague
- University Pardubice
- SKODA Car factory M.Boleslav
- City Tower Prague
- Hospital Kladno
© Ing. Aleš Drábek 2012 |